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SafeNet Agent for FreeRADIUS

Manual client updater


Manual client updater

Please Note:

Manual client updater

CRUD Script

This section describes how to manually create, update, delete and view the RADIUS Client using the C – Create, U – Update, D – Delete, V – View (Client_Updater script).

Execute the ./Client_Updater from the package. The following steps detail the flow for the components it checks, and the inputs it prompts for, before completing a CRUD operation.


  • In case of SAS PCE/SPE, if the RADIUS Client API is accessible and FreeRADIUS Synchronization is enabled, the Auth Nodes from SAS PCE/SPE server get updated to the FreeRADIUS server.
  • On the other hand, for SafeNet Trusted Access (STA), or if FreeRADIUS Synchronization is not used with SAS PCE/SPE, the Auth Nodes from STA do not get updated to the FreeRADIUS server. All entries have to be done manually using the Client_Updater script.

C – Create

  1. After the following prompt, type C, and press ENTER.

    Choose appropriate actions as C-Create, View-V, U-Update or D-Delete (C/V/U/D) and press [ENTER]:

    The screen will display the current list of clients:

    Current list of clients

  2. Enter IP address of the RADIUS Client.

    Enter RADIUS Client IP and press [ENTER].
  3. Enter a name for the RADIUS Client.

    Enter RADIUS Client IP and press [ENTER].
  4. Enter a Secret key.

    Enter secret key and press [ENTER]:
  5. Enter a description.

    Enter description and press [ENTER].
    Test Client Added for RADIUS Auth
  6. The RADIUS Client is now added. The container will run with the new changes.

    Client added successfully.

U – Update

  1. After the following prompt, type U, and press ENTER

    Choose appropriate action as C-Create, U-Update or D-Delete (C/U/D) and press [ENTER]:
  2. The records that can be updated will be listed. The records are identified by the ID value (the number displayed against them).

    Existing FreeRADIUS Client (s):
    Id  |   nasname      |  shortname   |   secret  |description
    1   | |   NtRadping   |   12356       |
    2   | |   NtRadping2  |   Temp123#    |
    3   | |   NtRadping3  |   1234@Temp   |
    4   | |   NtRadping4  |   1234        |
    (4 rows)

    As an example, we will illustrate how to update some fields of the third (3) record.

  3. Enter the required ID value.

    Enter the ID value and press [ENTER].
  4. Enter a short name in the field that you want to update and press ENTER.

    Enter the field name you want to update and press [ENTER].

    As an example, we will illustrate how to update shortname and secret fields.

  5. Enter a new value and press ENTER.

    Enter the new value to update for shortname
  6. The script then prompts the user if any other field needs to be updated. Enter Y to update else, enter N to exit the script.

    Do you want to Update any other field, press [Y/N]
  7. If you have entered Y, the script prompts to update the field name.

    Type field name to update
  8. Enter the new value to update the secret field.

    Enter new value to update for secret
  9. If there is no other field to update, enter N.

    Do you want to update any  other field, press [Y/N]
  10. On exit, the following message is displayed.

    Exiting, please re-run the script to update any other field or Id

    The script will show the updated ID with the fields:

    Id  | nasname    | shortname    | secret | description
    3   |   | Newtest  | 1234   |
    (1 row)

D – Delete

  1. After the following prompt, type D, and press ENTER.

    Choose appropriate action as C-Create, U-Update, or D-Delete (C/U/D) and press [ENTER]:
  2. The records that can be deleted will be listed. The records are identified by the ID value (the number displayed against them).

    Existing FreeRADIUS client(s):
    Id    |      nasname        |    shortname        | type  | ports   |   secret  |  server  |   community |  description
    1     |      | NtRadping           | other |         | 63048     |          |             |
    2     |     | NtRadping_local     | other | 1234    | 1234  |          |             |

    As an example, we will illustrate how to delete the second (2) record.

  3. Enter the required ID value.

    Enter the ID value and press [ENTER].
  4. The RADIUS Client record is now deleted. After you restart, the container will run with the new changes.

    RADIUS Client deleted successfully.
  5. If required, perform View (V) to check if the record has been deleted successfully.

V – View

To view the client table, type V and press ENTER.

Choose appropriate action as C-Create, View-V, U-Update or D-Delete (C/V/U/D) and press [ENTER]:

The following table is displayed to confirm:

Id    |      nasname        |    shortname   |   secret   |   description
1     |       | NtRadping     |  63048     |     
(1 row)